CMM is sponsored by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) to offer FREE remote housing mediation services for property owners/managers and renters throughout all of Minnesota. We can help you prepare for a conversation with your renter or property owner/manager.
CMM can help you prevent an eviction filing in the court or we can help you settle a matter prior to a scheduled eviction hearing.
Mediation can help PROPERTY OWNERS who want to:
- Negotiate a settlement with your renter
- Collect lost income
- Maintain housing stability for your renter(s)
- Improve communication and the relationship with your renter(s)
Mediation can help RENTERS who want to:
- Negotiate a settlement with your property owner/manager
- Maintain housing stability for yourself and/or family
- Create a plan to catch up on past due and current rent
- Improve communication and the relationship with your renter(s)
CMM provides remote mediation services throughout the state of Minnesota by phone and through online formats like Zoom. We will work with you to decide which option/s will work best for your circumstances. Just like face-to-face mediation, you will have an opportunity to hear and be heard and to co-create a resolution that works for all.
You may request a free housing mediation here or call 1-833-266-2663.
If you are looking for rental assistance programs, please click here.